thank you for visting my blog! it is very easy! it is HTML code, you can find the mini game html code in the website! then you can add the code in your console.
( A valve is a mechanism which changes the length of the tube, or body of a wind instrument; it allows you to play a wider range of notes. A piston valve features a that moves up and down in a casing; a rotary valve changes the air passage by means of a rotor activated by a lever.
in the blog we will introduce many different types of valves to you. the basic valve types can be divided into two general groups: stop valves and check valves.
2 条评论:
Very beactiuful girls!
Can you tell me :how to put the game code putin my blog,ok ?
thank you for visting my blog!
it is very easy! it is HTML code, you can find the mini game html code in the website! then you can add the code in your console.