(http://www.valve-type.blogspot.com) A valve is a mechanism which changes the length of the tube, or body of a wind instrument; it allows you to play a wider range of notes. A piston valve features a that moves up and down in a casing; a rotary valve changes the air passage by means of a rotor activated by a lever.
in the blog we will introduce many different types of valves to you. the basic valve types can be divided into two general groups: stop valves and check valves.
14 条评论:
when you playing games,it must be a good tool.
how did you find my Blogger?
yes, I think so.
I always like to browse the other people's blog!
I'd like to make a friend with you!
welcome to my blog~~~hah~~~
well...i'd like to make a friend with u.
i'm so curious, why u and ur friends always write Blog in English?
what kind of music do u like?
it is our order~,and I want to improve my English!
I like Chinese music, light music, R&B`````(and so on)!
..i see!
well, do u have a MSN account?
maybe we could chat much more by MSN messenger.
sorry```i didn't have MSN account, i only have OICQ!
ok...or can u give me ur OICQ account? thx
SORRY啦...如果可以的話 也許可以請你去申請一個MSN帳號 在BLOG上面實在是談不到什麼東西...
不過要是你不想要去申請MSN的話 也不勉強
基本上我接觸滿多音樂類型的 不過主要還是在聽BRITPOP的東西 中文歌甚少接觸 會聽的中文歌 也比較算是非主流的 台灣的樂壇太糟糕了 阿貓阿狗都能出唱片 現在只要是能譁眾取寵就可以當明星當藝人
有興趣多交流吧 電影我也小有興趣
ok! i will apply a account, i'll tell you next time!
OK...等你申請好MSN帳號再告訴我吧 其實我也滿想跟中國大陸的學生交流交流
我想你的英文至少是比我好的多的 我只是喜歡聽歌和研究歌詞意涵
我不太會用英文表達或寫作 也不太習慣 我想這是台灣學生的通病吧 你能用英文直接打BLOG實在是很厲害
Oh oh ,you do a good job.